Jules Boudreau
Rino Morin Rossignol, in one of his columns, launched the concept of a national Acadian library some time ago, which could find a place in the old Memramcook Institute, which seems to be looking for itself. a vocation. From all sides, this proposal was greeted, approved, applauded. And since then, nothing. Silence.
Yet it seems to me that the idea deserves better than that. Couldn’t a national library constitute a unifying project, a mobilizing project, rallying our institutions, our leaders, what we liked to call our “living forces” in the not so distant past? Do we still have unifying projects of this scale? Do we still have living forces? Let me be told about a motivating project, capable of channeling our energies instead of dispersing them in multiple and often vaporous undertakings which exhaust them without bringing them any concrete result. A national library, or even an embryonic library, would constitute a measurable result, the progress of which we could observe as it evolves and stimulate it if necessary.
I take the opportunity to say hello to my friend Rino. (I dare to call you my friend, even though we’ve barely seen each other once or twice; after all, I walk a long way with you every Wednesday morning). I don’t know what I admire the most about you: the elegance and virtuosity of your writing, or the depth of your reflection. No matter how much you create at another address, you are more present in Acadia than many of our neighbors.