After a period of hindsight which allowed him to completely drop out of work and appreciate where he is in life, José Gaudet is in great shape to animate, in a different way, but just as pleasant, the new season of ” It ended the week well ”.
José Gaudet has plenty of ideas and concepts for gags that could emerge during the season of “It ends well the week”, which has just started. “We’re not just going to talk about COVID, masks and distancing, but we’re going to want to know how the human being behind the artist lived this period with his boyfriend, his girlfriend, his children … It can be an avenue for discussion. ”
The host also flirts with the idea of hosting big names in Quebec culture. “Already last year, we said to ourselves that we would like to receive our Quebec legends to introduce them to the youngest. In addition, they have so many anecdotes to tell! We would like to receive, for example, Robert Charlebois. We couldn’t do it until now because, in the fall, it usually went out in the sun. This year, he won’t be able to go because of COVID, so we are crossing our fingers hoping that he will come see us. “
José Gaudet strictly follows the sanitary recommendations; he has applied some of them for several years. “Hand washing has always been an important solution for me to avoid viruses. I was sick of catching every passing germ, so I learned to wash my hands 15 or 20 times a day. Since I did this, I am no longer sick. ”
José Gaudet took advantage of the last few weeks to completely get off work. “I had cut off contact with public life. I was so elsewhere that I was sometimes a week late for events! On the other hand, I was going to respond to people who wrote to me on social networks. But I especially took the opportunity to drop off. I still had an eventful year! I broke up, even though it went well with Eve. I also had my new girlfriend, and there are things that were also moving on her side. “
But we know that life is not a long calm river and that there are always emergencies. “I had work to do in the house, I knew that when I bought it. I started working again, and it’s only been two weeks since the work was finished. Eve and I also agreed to continue shared custody during this period. The children followed the instructions well, I am very proud of them. ”
Relationship with teens
Speaking of his children, José Gaudet admits that he did not have the same concerns with Isaac, 18, and Satine, 16. If everything went well with his son, he had much more difficult conversations with his daughter.
“Satine is very socialist; she thinks about others a lot, sometimes too much. At one point, we quarreled. I told her that I was convinced that her way of thinking was going to make her do beautiful things one day, but that she could not put everything in our throats at the same time and that she had to be responsible for her environment. current. She has a deep desire for the liberation of humanity; I wonder where she got that. “
The young girl seems to want to question her privileged position in an unjust world. “She doesn’t understand that she’s part of the equation. She lived a privileged life, she took advantage of it, even if I’m not saying that we were perfect. We cannot deny our life because there are people who have a more difficult life. We can help them, but we too have a nucleus, a family to protect. We had some big talking points, my daughter and I. ”