Do you know what I particularly like about Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, the new leader of the PQ?
The fact that he’s not afraid to call a spade a spade.
When it’s time to attack the sacred cows of the go-left, he doesn’t put on white gloves and tiptoe.
He rushes headlong, clearly saying what he’s thinking.
And too bad if the little rabbits curl up in a corner.
In his book Rebuild the Yes camp, PSPP puts multiculturalism and communitarianism in the wringer.
“Any mention of a Quebecer ‘we’ is now an opportunity to treat nationalists as racists. This is how, recently, several so-called anti-racist activists have qualified Law 101 and Law 21 as racist.
Meanwhile, a comedian encourages people to vote for Dominique Anglade on a racial basis, simply because he is black and needs to be encouraged by members “of his community” and an app is launched to encourage blacks to buy in businesses run by blacks …
If Quebecers propose a shared national identity without a racial basis, that is racist, but if a “community” encourages discrimination on the basis of race, that is inclusion. “
This is called “don’t mince words”.
Do you know many, party leaders who speak so frankly?
PSPP is not going four ways.
Also in his book, he says that in his opinion, “the ideological drifts of the extreme left pose a real risk for social peace.
We must reject the validity of the concept of race and put forward the collective. ”
While most of the PQ have spent the last 25 years doing triple back somersaults to make people forget Jacques Parizeau’s famous phrase on “the ethnic vote”, PSPP does not apologize and takes the bull by the horns .
“The cultural minorities of Quebec vote overwhelmingly for the PLQ and the PLC, rain or shine,” he wrote.
This is called “don’t beat around the bush”!
The new leader of the PQ does not deny the fact that there is racism in Quebec (as in all societies of the world), but he totally rejects the concept of “systemic racism” that some activists and some well-meaning columnists attempt to go down our throats in order to better discredit Bill 101 and Bill 21.
“Racism is accentuated by the multiculturalist model,” he says.
PSPP has also – like historian Frédéric Bastien – fiercely defended freedom of expression in universities.
“When some people’s sense of discomfort becomes more important than the free flow and expression of ideas,” it becomes dangerous, he said in a video posted to his Facebook page.
According to him, universities must fight tooth and nail against bullying and ensure that no work, even controversial, will be censored or blacklisted.
Will the PSPP leader be as outspoken and blunt as the PSPP candidate?
I hope so.
Because, like many Quebecers, I’m fed up with politicians who bend their knees before the priests of political correctness.