Donald Trump had a lot to gain from yesterday’s debate. In particular, he had to convince women from the suburbs and the elderly. Mission accomplished ? No. However, he delivered a good performance.
• Read also: An extraordinary debate
They searched in vain for a sign of illness. Trump, a little nervously, claimed he was doing very well. He declined to say when he tested positive for COVID-19, simply saying he was constantly tested. The host managed to get him to condemn white supremacism and, above all, she made him say that even if he thought he was winning, he did not want a non-peaceful transfer of power.
Trump has been weaker on some issues. He somewhat aggressively refused to condemn the QAnon conspiracy group, claiming he did not know them. He didn’t really say why he could choose a new Supreme Court justice when he condemned Obama for trying to do the same.
His best moments were when he explained that his debt was very low in relation to the total value of his holdings. He also made the Democrats and Nancy Pelosi look bad by claiming to be ready to sign a fourth fiscal stimulus now, even if it means signing another later.
Exit obamacare
His worst time was probably on Obamacare. He struggled to explain why he was going to court to destroy the Obamacare when so far he had done nothing to replace it. This certainly did not reassure the older electorate.
The end of the debate was particularly favorable to Trump, who embarked on a pro deregulation and pro lower tax credo. Often his argument boiled down to, “Vote for me and I will do amazing things in the years to come.” In short, a good performance for those who still want to believe it, but nothing to change the minds of those who believe that he lies as he breathes.