These French people leave everything to settle in Quebec

Leaving everything to come and settle in Quebec in the middle of a global pandemic is the crazy gamble faced by a French family who has never been here before.

“With my husband, we have just turned 40, we wanted to change our life, so we said to ourselves that it was time to start,” says Vanessa Valence. The pandemic really confirmed to us that we wanted to leave and start something new. Surely that is the midlife crisis. “

The French mother of four children chose to come and settle in Lévis, on the South Shore of Quebec.

For more than a year now, the whole family has been preparing this great trip from their small village in Normandy, in the west of France. And if the pandemic doesn’t change plans, Mme Valence, her husband David, her daughters Maryne (19 years old) and Coraly (16 years old), her sons Tybo (13 years old) and Tyméo (7 years old), in addition to their four-legged friends Enco and Nelson will arrive in Montreal on the 14th. December.

It will be the first time in their life that they will cross the Atlantic.

A dream come true

It is a little girl’s dream that will soon come true for the one who has been a beneficiary attendant for over 20 years.

She will reorient her career with studies in administration when arriving in Quebec.

“My husband, he wanted us to go to Australia more. But me, it has always been Quebec. Of course, the temperature is not really the same thing, ”she laughs.

For his part, Mr. Valence, fire safety officer and firefighter, hopes to be able to work in his field.

But it is above all to give their children a better chance that Vanessa and David Valence have chosen to leave France.

” The school system [français] not too suitable for my two boys. They have a lot of problems with dyslexia, dysorthography, dyscalculia, and in France, when you have a disability, we tend to put you aside, ”says Vanessa Valence.

Tybo will enter in 2e year of secondary school, while his little brother Tyméo will go to 2e primary year.

From primary … to university

For her part, the eldest of the family, Maryne, was accepted at Laval University, in the biology program.

Her younger sister, Coraly, will start a hairdressing technique. The two sisters also hope to be able to cultivate the passion passed on to them by their father, that of being a volunteer firefighter.

“It’s really a passion and I would really like to be able to continue doing that, even with my studies,” explains Maryne, who is already employed with her sister in a barracks near her home.

About Victoria Smith

Victoria Smith who hails from Toronto, Canada currently runs this news portofolio who completed Masters in Political science from University of Toronto. She started her career with BBC then relocated to TorontoStar as senior political reporter. She is caring and hardworking.

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