For some, finding happiness seems unattainable. Still, being happy can be a lot easier than it looks. Instead of being carried away by the ambient frustration which only aggravates your morale, why not try to follow the advice of the American author, Matt Kahn who offers in his book ten keys to access happiness.
Very active on social networks, especially on his YouTube channel with more than 150,000 subscribers, Matt Kahn wants everyone to be able to heal their emotional wounds by leaving the past behind and awakening to the energy of love. Moreover, for years he has dedicated his life to spiritual teaching. Her recipe, open your heart and let yourself be carried away by love, whatever its shape.
Among its ten rules is at the top of the list that of stopping guilt. Then you have to stop blaming yourself and ignore those who constantly blame you. Because those who point fingers at others are usually unhappy people and are certainly not an example to follow. Another important part of achieving happiness is learning to forgive. To do this, the author suggests a specific exercise by targeting the person who has done you the most harm in your life. Next, describe the feeling or emotion that arises in you in this regard. Is it heartache, shame or a feeling of betrayal? To be able to forgive, we must cultivate in ourselves the opposite feeling, that is, by following these examples, joy, dignity or confidence. According to the author, each test is an opportunity to cultivate the reverse quality. Exercise in itself is not easy, but it is an opportunity to cultivate something positive, it is a step towards forgiveness and liberation to move towards well-being.
Perhaps its most important golden rule is gratitude. It is she who, according to the author, helps overcome obstacles in addition to attracting happiness in his life.
Know that if you manage to feel good, you will become a beacon for others through your radiance, thus allowing others to feel better in turn when you have the opportunity to be around them. To gratitude is added love. It is there, the greatest power that human beings have to overcome obstacles and live fully happy.
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