The Quebec government does not intend to return money to the NM Apollo. The latter was to be sunk in the St. Lawrence and become an artificial reef for divers, but the coffers of the non-profit organization responsible for this project are almost empty.
• Read also: The NM Apollo returns to haunt Quebec
“The Apollo Company[ofGodbout)mustanswerforitsmanagement”repliedFlorencePlourdethepresssecretarytotheMinisterofTransportFrançoisBonnardelinanemailShealsoconfirmedthattheCAQwasclosingthedoortotheideaofofferingnewfundingtothisorganization[deGodbout)doitrépondredesagestion»arépondudansuncourrielFlorencePlourdel’attachéedepresseduministredesTransportsFrançoisBonnardelElleaaussiconfirméquelaCAQfermaitlaporteàl’idéed’offrirunnouveaufinancementàcetorganisme
“TheApollo has not belonged to the Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ) for over a year. The Apollo Company, owner of the ship, obtained a sum of $ 2 million to complete its project, ie the cost that the STQ would have had to pay for its recycling, ”she recalls.
Since its purchase in 2019, the NM Apollo has already cost the STQ $ 5.5 million. This ship ensured the crossing between Matane and Godbout replacing the NM F.-A.-Gauthier for about twenty days.
Last year, the STQ decided to sell the ferry to the Apollo Company, which had plans to sink it in Godbout Bay. However, several works had to be carried out on the ship in order in particular to avoid negative impacts on the environment.
The Océan Group was mandated to carry out this project. During the work, the company discovered asbestos, which caused the bill to jump. About $ 180,000 remains in the coffers of the Apollo Company and only 30% of the necessary work has been completed.
Tuesday, President Jean-Yves Bouffard, also mayor of Godbout, estimated that $ 4 million was missing to complete the project. Due to its financial situation and without new funding, the organization could now be forced into bankruptcy.
Joined by The newspaper Wednesday, Mr. Bouffard still had no confirmation from the government. He stressed that he was not aware of this decision and preferred to limit his comments for the moment.
Mr. Bouffard, however, confirmed that without further financial assistance, the plan to sink the ship could not go ahead.
The NM Apollo is currently at the Port of Quebec in a space owned by Groupe Océan. The latter now wants us to relocate it from the site so that it can start other projects.
Without maintenance, the management of the Ocean Group also fears that the NM Apollo sinks this winter due to its condition.