Another female head has rolled within the Council of Ministers of François Legault. This brings the count to 11 out of 29 women, a situation that will have to be remedied in the next reshuffle.
I already hear (or read) the retrograde comments like: “Yes, but it is competence that counts above all”, as if there were fewer competent women than men, or more incompetence among the women.
There are currently 55 women out of 125 MPs, or about half (44% to be precise). There is no reason why we should not approach parity within the Council of Ministers, especially since François Legault had made this parity a firm commitment, during the 2018 campaign.
It should be noted that very few women, within this same government, lead the most coveted ministries, or occupy strategic and best paid positions.
Political “boys club”
Pauline Marois, former leader of the Parti Québécois and the first woman to lead Quebec, recently deplored, in an interview with The Canadian Press, that the “boy club” in politics is “a world which has its rules, which has its ways of doing things. , which is impossible to penetrate for all practical purposes ”.
Ms. Marois also notes this constant fear of being squeezed that she experienced in politics. Fear that has materialized, in a short time since the election of the CAQ, for MarieChantale Chassé, expelled from the Council in less than three months, Danielle McCann, demoted from Health in the midst of a pandemic, and this week Sylvie D’Amours .
Equal opportunities
To be sure, women are neither untouchable nor perfect, and may lose their ministerial post for good reason. However, it must be admitted that many men have made mistakes in this same government without ever coming close to being knocked out.