Caroline St-Hilaire did not hesitate to qualify as “cheaps” the recent criticisms of Vincent Marissal towards François Legault for the speed with which he obtained the result of his COVID-19 test.
“It took less than 18 hours for François Legault to get his test [négatif] of COVID-19. So much the better, but he would have to give his thing to Christian Dubé, because ordinary people, them, wait 3, 4, sometimes 5 days, ”tweeted the solidarity deputy on Saturday.
“Would we really have wanted the Prime Minister to wait two weeks for his test? asks the columnist and host. He’s the one in charge [de la province]! Lift yourself up Vincent! Attack if you want, but do it on ideas. “
She took the opportunity to read some reactions from Internet users to this “impertinent” tweet from the solidarity deputy.