You can’t go to the theater right now, but you can listen to it and live this experience in a whole new way. Premier Acte presents the podcast Top of the lake which tells the story of two friends who decide to embark on an identity road trip.
David has just finished his Cégep. He will leave his small village of Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire, in Lac St-Jean, to continue his studies in Quebec. Jonathan hesitates to leave his native region. At a crossroads, the two friends decide to live one last summer together.
First broadcast on the show Children of paradise, at CKRL (89.1), the first two episodes of Haut du lac, about ten minutes long, are available on the Spotify and Apple Podcast portals.
The conclusion will be broadcast on October 19, still exclusively, at 5:45 p.m., on CKRL, and then put online the next day in podcast.
This production of the Théâtre pour pas être sole starring Samuel Corbeil, Vincent Nolin-Bouchard and Marco Poulin. Top of the lake is the prelude to the play Row background which was to be presented to Premier Acte last September. The text is by Vincent Nolin-Bouchard and Élizabeth Baril-Lessard.