What is the biggest lesson you learn from the last days?
Personally, I hesitate between two.
I knew there are a lot of fools and irresponsible people, but not so many.
Near my house, a lady was telling another that her neighbor invites her friends to park farther away to go to parties without the large number of cars in front of her door attracting attention.
The greatest lesson I draw, however, is the indefatigable persistence of religious thought.
I have long thought that the progress of science and education would marginalize it. A monumental error.
I’m not saying this just because of the 1,000 Hasidic Jews of Boisbriand who don’t give a damn about sanitation because their faith takes precedence over everything.
Take these people convinced that the pandemic is a plot to turn us into a flock of sheep.
They have all the characteristics of a sect.
Because they “did their research,” they emerged from the darkness in which you and I remain immersed.
They are the “elect” who would guide us to the light if we listened to their truth, if they were not persecuted by the forces of the Evil One.
They have their prophets, their sacred books and their places of worship on the web.
Take some anti-racism activists. Their attitude also very often has all the traits of a faith.
As John McWorther noted in The Daily Beast, the denunciation of racism was for a long time an ethical and political position, quite simply.
People are judged by their conduct and not by their color. Who can be against?
But look at the forms that many young people take today by their adherence to this creed.
You must undoubtedly be immersed full time in academia to fully realize it.
When the preacher gives his sermon, you have to drink his words, literally, even if he’s kidding.
Every believer knows that it is frowned upon to ask certain questions.
If a Christian asks why the sacred texts are filled with contradictions and improbable accounts, it will be explained to him that the ways of the Lord are mysterious and impenetrable.
Likewise, in the anti-racist movement, you would be frowned upon to say that the prison over-representation of certain communities is explained first of all by the fact that more crimes are committed there.
You would be frowned upon to say that the violence in some communities is far worse than that perpetrated by white police.
If you insist, at worst you are a heretic. The logs are ready …
At best, you haven’t understood, but we’ll kindly offer ourselves to help you on your way.
In this new religion, there is an indisputable clergy and doctrine, but also an original sin.
White people have the “privilege” of their color and must repent of benefiting from the oppression perpetrated for centuries by their ancestors.
Finally, there is a Last Judgment.
If you open your heart and your mind, you will be washed, and together, hand in hand, we will walk to Heaven.
Obviously, many cannot do without religion.