The COVID Alert application, which Quebec has finally decided to adopt, is not so popular in provinces where the platform is already available, when only 8% of Canadians who own a smartphone have downloaded it.
This is what figures obtained by Global News revealed on Friday, two months after the COVID Alert was put online in Ontario.
However, for such a system to be effective, 15% of smartphone owners must use it, estimated a study by Google and the University of Oxford.
Worse still: just 4% of people who tested positive for the coronavirus between the end of July and the end of September in Ontario shared their state of health on the app, according to data provided by the provincial government.
Despite everything, most of the provinces authorized its deployment on their territory recently. This is the case in Quebec, where it should be functional in the coming days, the Legault government having finally changed its mind this week on the relevance of this application in the wake of the second wave of cases.
Quebeckers could already install it on their phones, but if anyone ever received a positive result from a drug test, they couldn’t report it and say where they went in the last few days.
Soon, those who have downloaded the app will receive a notification when they have been in contact with a user who has indicated that they have tested positive.
However, the identity of the positive person remains a secret at all times.
Working with the Bluetooth system and not the GPS, COVID Alert has been praised many times by privacy experts.
Also according to the study by Google and the University of Oxford, if 15% of smartphone owners used such an application, the infection rate could be reduced by 8%, the number of deaths by 6%.