The urgency of rebuilding society

Faced with the rise of the second wave of COVID-19, we must act more and better. Yesterday I was writing on the urgent need for the Legault government to finally communicate its messages clearly, conciseness, consistency and conviction.

The second, complementary emergency is up to us. We must learn to rebuild society. I say “redo” because in the spring, we silently split up.

Political discourse divided our society into two falsely foreign realities. On the one hand, the massacre in the CHSLDs of Montreal. On the other, “the community” and the regions, much less affected by the virus.

They are us

However, the thousands of women and men who died alone in CHSLDs or private residences were part of “the community”. They were part of us.

In the second wave, COVID-19 strikes throughout “the community”. Will we now understand the urgency to behave as members of one society – each responsible for its own protection and that of others, wherever and whoever they are?

Protecting means reducing our contact, wearing a mask, keeping our distance, etc. The recipe is known. It’s about applying it. For real. In this “us” to be redone, more and more young adults are contracting COVID-19.

Without being too sick of them themselves, they are nevertheless formidable potential vectors of contagion for people of all ages with more fragile health. We see it all over the world.


For this vital reason, the youngest must place themselves at the forefront of the fight against the virus by finally respecting the instructions for the time that it takes. To rebuild society is also that.

If the young generations can take to the streets by the hundreds of thousands for the environment, it is because they are capable of mobilizing for something other than themselves. In fact, this is true of all times.

That we mobilize, together. Otherwise, in a few weeks, we will all be in trouble, together …

About Victoria Smith

Victoria Smith who hails from Toronto, Canada currently runs this news portofolio who completed Masters in Political science from University of Toronto. She started her career with BBC then relocated to TorontoStar as senior political reporter. She is caring and hardworking.

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