The PLQ wishes to ensure interregional air transport by law

Interregional air transport must be guaranteed by law to ensure “security” of supply and frequency of flights, believes the Liberal Party of Quebec.

• Read also: Regional links: Régionair is positioning itself

On Wednesday, its transport spokesperson, Pierre Arcand, tabled a bill to this effect.

“Sometimes people have a hard time knowing when the thefts will take place. […] Sometimes the flights are $ 150, 200. Sometimes the flights are much more expensive. So, I think we really want, through this bill, I think it was important, to be able to finally correct this situation, ”he explained at a press briefing.

If its bill is adopted as is, it would oblige the government to set up a committee at the Ministry of Transport responsible for evaluating the different options by air carriers and then agreeing with one of them to ensure the services.

“We therefore want to announce financial assistance to a carrier in order to cover its operating deficit for the next five years,” said Pierre Arcand.

These air links would be financed by the Air Fund, which is already in place.

For its part, the office of Minister of Transport, François Bonnardel, indicates that the latter is still working with the Intervention Group on the relaunch of regional air services with a view to announcing a solution by the end of the year in order to to ensure interregional air transport.

“We are still working with the objective of setting up a solid network to provide service to the regions. Over the coming months, the intervention group will be called upon to define the criteria for the establishment of the network and to analyze the best operating scenarios which will be adapted both in time and in the context ”, indicated the press secretary of the Minister of Transport, Florence Plourde.

About Victoria Smith

Victoria Smith who hails from Toronto, Canada currently runs this news portofolio who completed Masters in Political science from University of Toronto. She started her career with BBC then relocated to TorontoStar as senior political reporter. She is caring and hardworking.

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