Mayor Labeaume is disappointed that Quebec has gone from first class to region in the yellow for the spread of COVID-19 and calls on citizens to tighten precautionary measures to avoid an outbreak.
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“I am not proud of that, that we are in the yellow book”, launched Tuesday the mayor of Quebec, Régis Labeaume, after the public health announced the passage of the region in the level of yellow alert.
“It’s ordinary. We who were the class perfect, we were very respectful, very disciplined. We even looked at Montreal saying to ourselves: they are not the same! We are in the yellow book and Montreal is not there. It’s funny. ”
He pointed out certain incidents, such as that of karaoke at the bar Le Kirouac, which was at the origin of a major outbreak of the disease. “If it hadn’t been for karaoke, I think it would have helped a bit. Bravos champions! ”
He is now calling on his fellow citizens to be more vigilant. He takes his example from himself. “I think I wash my hands less now than I did a month ago. (…) We have to be more vigilant because it starts from there. “
Extended teleworking
In addition, with this change in the alert level, the mayor announced that the City is backing down on the recall to work of all its officials, which was to be done in the coming weeks. “We decided to slacker a little. We didn’t expect to be in the yellow. A note from the general manager left to explain that we are going to delay the start of the school year, ”he said. Thus, executives must be at work, but employees can remain teleworked until further notice.
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